About Us

Created in 1991, Potato Growers of Michigan, Inc. (PGMI) works to keep the legislature and decision makers in Lansing and Washington, D.C. informed on the needs of the Michigan potato industry.

As the key advocate for Michigan potato growers, PGMI members work to ensure that reliable economic data and sound science is the basis of decisions in Lansing that impact growers. 

michigan potato facts


  • Michigan is the eighth largest potato producing state in the U.S.
  • Michigan’s potato industry contributes nearly $2.5 billion annually to the state’s economy.
  • More than 21,000 Michigan jobs are supported by potato production and processing.
  • More than 48,000 acres in over 40 Michigan counties are dedicated to growing potatoes.
  • Michigan’s annual potato harvest totals approximately 1.9 billion pounds.
  • One out of every four bags of potato chips sold in the United States is filled with Michigan potatoes.

Our Mission

To promote and represent the interests of its grower members in governmental, legislative, regulatory, and environmental affairs.

Meet the Board

Dennis Iott

Iott Seed Farm

Jason Walther

Vice President
Wather Farms
Three Rivers

Bruce Cotton

Elmaple Farms

Darwin Eisenga

Eisenga Potato Farms

Travis Horkey

Horkey Brothers Farms Dundee

Wayne Leep

County Line Farms

Ryan Pelletier

Walther Farms
Three Rivers

Jeff Thorlund

Thorlund Brothers